Scheduling your time
Scheduling Your Time in a New and Deliberative Way A new year has begun, have you returned to your job, energized and refreshed? You are
By Ann Beck
Here in central Illinois, we are all too aware of the corn and soybeans drying in the sun and awaiting the combines to come and orderly harvest the fields for sale or storage. Illinois is one of the top producers of both corn and soybeans, so there is a direct impact of crop production upon our local economy.
I was thinking about fall being the time of harvesting our own personal “crops” or endeavors. Usually, we take time to reflect upon our year after the holidays and as we consider the new calendar year. But what if we took time now, in autumn, to consider our harvest?
We can bring our attention and reflection upon what we have planted and harvested. Were we thoughtful about our goals and intentions? What has worked out well, what has not? Did we reap what we have sown?
What can we do now to ensure a more productive harvest for next season? How can we take time and be present in the plans that we have instead of just responding to situations or flying by the seat of our pants. How do we take the time to truly take a moment and consider our actions, reactions, and the consequences of those?
Scheduling Your Time in a New and Deliberative Way A new year has begun, have you returned to your job, energized and refreshed? You are
Help wanted Social media affords businesses the opportunity to alleviate some of the cost associated with recruiting new employees. Have you ever posted an open
Rules to Live By As I was pondering what to write for the blog this month, I happened to glance at a plaque that has
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Hi, I’m Angela Freeman! I’m a website/graphic designer and photographer and have been working in the print and design industry for over 35 years, both here in the USA and back home in my native Scotland. For the past 5 years I have mainly been concentrating on website design, which I LOVE, and I now have more than 30 websites under my belt. If you would like to talk websites, whether it’s updating your old website, website maintenance, or creating a brand new website contact me though Jeanne.