Are You Ready for the iGen's?
For me, August means back to school preparation for my high school entrepreneurship class which includes researching the latest data on the mindset of this age group. Reading the Beloit Mindset List and researching other articles helps me understand the influences new students have experienced while growing up. My research on the iGeneration or Generation Z (currently 16-22 years of age), has yielded some interesting findings. Listed below are the eight that were most interesting to me.
They are tech-talented and spend 9 hours per day on technology. That is more time than they have with parents and teachers. They have always had a cell phone and been on Face-time.
Their attention span is estimated at eight minutes.
A 2015 study found that, “the percentage of high school seniors who read a non-required book or magazine nearly every day dropped from 60% in 1980 to 16% in 2015.
They are risk-averse – they have been overprotected because of kidnappings, Amber alerts, Columbine and live in a society of terrorism. This means they will be more conformist and pull together as a group.
They lack people skills because of less face-to-face interaction with people and friends. They will need help developing soft skills.
They were impacted also by the Great Recession of 2008 and saw their families struggle. Benefits will be important to them.
They are multi-cultural and workers who speak the same language may be more likely to associate with each other.
They go to church more than other generations. Social justice and causes matter to them.
In the next blog, I will discuss ways to train and teach the iGens.