I'm new to the board, now what?
You have just been asked to serve on a board. Now what? We have found that no single relationship is as important as that between the Board and its Executive Director. An effective and productive relationship is contingent upon each having a clear understanding of its roles and responsibilities. Here is a list of the primary responsibilities of both:
The Board:
- Determines the mission and vision of the organization
- Hires, supports, and evaluates the Executive Director
- Assumes fiscal responsibility and oversight
- Develops and oversees the implementation of a strategic plan
- Oversees the organization’s activities
- Ensures that the organization is compliant with applicable statutes and regulations
- Supports the organization with its time, its treasures, and its talents
The Executive Director:
- Implements the mission and vision of the organization
- Hires, manages, and evaluates the staff of the organization
- Makes sound fiscal decisions regarding assets and liabilities
- Provides leadership for the implementation of the Board’s strategic plan
- Manages the day to day operations of the organization
- Is knowledgeable of statues and regulations that impact the organization
- Supports the Board
Does everyone understand their roles and responsibilities in your organization? Problems between a Board and the Executive Director most frequently occur when either the Board or the Executive Director tries to assume the others job! If this is happening with your Board, turn your frustrations into a teachable moment. Develop a job description for the Board and yourself. Discuss the differences at a Board meeting. Taking the time and effort to do this will lead to a more productive and positive board experience for everyone!