Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day
Patience is more than a virtue, it’s a requirement when it comes to marketing; social media is no exception. In a world of instant gratification we tend to lose focus and believe everything should magically happen NOW. This isn’t the case. Growing a following takes time. Sure, it is frustrating to go from getting five likes or followers a day to nothing, but that is going to happen. It is not a sign to “jump ship” or quit; it’s an opportunity to make sure you keep your current followers engaged and build new strategies for your future followers. If you continue to post engaging content, your fans will spread the word and your followers will grow. Your social media accounts are not temporary; they are today’s mainstream marketing approach so enjoy the ride and remember sometimes things just take time.
For tips on how to grow your followers, check out 8 Ways to Get More Facebook Followers by Dau Consulting’s social media consultant Jadrianne Smith.